A new test for urothelial cancers could detect mutations in DNA that have been identified for those cancers earlier than traditional tests.
March is National Kidney Month, and understanding the causes and effects of kidney stones can help one understand markers for overall kidney health.
University of Alabama at Birmingham researchers have identified a therapeutic target to prevent or delay heart failure from pressure overload of the heart, and a potential biomarker for the same.

UAB honored seven Outstanding Women during a special ceremony on March 15 in the UAB Alumni House. Three of those women have strong ties to the School of Medicine.

Rex Cardan, Ph.D., a medical physicist with UAB for nearly 7 years, was officially named the lead physicist for the Proton International therapy center at UAB.
Cordelia Stearns, M.D., and Brenessa Lindeman, MD, MEHP, were selected to receive the 2018 Research and Innovations in Medical Education (RIME) Faculty Development Award. Both Stearns and Lindeman received $7,500, which will go toward the 2019 Harvard Macy Institute Program for Educators in Health Professions.
Two School of Medicine students at the Tuscaloosa Regional Campus are researching the effectiveness and cost benefits of a University of Alabama-City of Tuscaloosa program to treat 911 callers with low-emergency conditions at the scene.
Craig Powell, M.D., Ph.D., has been named chair of the Department of Neurobiology at the UAB School of Medicine as well as director of the Civitan International Research Center.
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