Adam Beck, M.D., has been named director of surgery in the Division of Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Therapy.
A significant new UAB study published in Cancer shows that key socioeconomic factors, not race, affect survival of younger multiple myeloma patients.
UAB-developed technology supports a globe-spanning partnership that links pediatric neurosurgeons at UAB and Children’s of Alabama with those in Vietnam to enhance epilepsy care for Vietnamese children.
With 12 associates, the UAB Health System Cancer Community Network integrates patients, collaboration and community to change the way cancer care is delivered in the region. 
This is the second potential diagnostic application for an investigational biomarker, and discussions are underway with industry partners to develop an assay from this UAB technology.
A UAB expert recommends international travelers consult with a physician four to six weeks prior to travel and learn medical risks and how to prevent illness while abroad. 
Lanita S. Carter, Ph.D., director of Medical Education and Students Services for the Huntsville Regional Medical Campus, has been named chair of the Steering Committee for the Association of American Medical Colleges' Group on Regional Medical Campuses.
Nominate someone who has made an outstanding contribution to the academic health center or advanced the frontiers of science or health.
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