Seven faculty in the UAB School of Medicine have been named recipients of the 2016-2017  PROSPER Curricular Enrichment and Innovation Awards.
A UAB study that is the first of its kind found that a tiny RNA — miR-124-3p — appears to play a role in producing major depression.
UAB and local businesses honor a late, inspiring wheelchair user by donating a custom wheelchair in his name to a deserving recipient.
Coating insulin-producing cell-clusters with a thin protective layers may be a way to modify and use pig tissue to ultimately treat human diabetes. Testing in mice is the next step.
UAB Medicine, in partnership with Medscape, is launching its SPARC challenge next week to hear ideas on quality improvement initiatives, leading to a live competition in October where the top ideas will win a portion of $45,000 in pilot funds to see the plans forward.
The lectureship was created in memory of Frank G. Moody, M.D., UAB’s first Division Director of Gastrointestinal Surgery, who passed away on August 12, 2016.
This NIH-funded conference is part of UAB’s effort to engage and retain neuroscience graduate students from underrepresented ethnic and racial groups across the United States.
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