A new program in the School of Medicine, the Committee on Responsible Research Practices (CRRP), has been established to improve the handling of research misconduct cases.

On Monday, Aug. 9, Paul Goepfert, M.D., director of the Alabama Vaccine Research Clinic, and Michael Saag, M.D., professor in the Division of Infectious Diseases, discussed the current state of COVID-19 in Alabama and beyond in a webinar panel series called “What’s new with COVID-19?”

The UAB Pancreatobiliary Disease Center (PDC) has named two new leaders in the areas of medical oncology and pathology.

Desalyn Johnson has been awarded the 2021 Sara Crews Finley, M.D. Endowed Leadership Scholarship. She will be officially presented the scholarship at the 2021 entering class White Coat Ceremony on Sunday, Aug. 15. 

Each year, the School of Medicine welcomes the incoming class with a White Coat Ceremony. The White Coat Ceremony was created in 1993 by the Arnold P. Gold Foundation to emphasize the importance of compassionate care for the patient as well as scientific proficiency. Due to the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, a White Coat Welcome event for the entering class was held online, with the promise of an in-person ceremony when COVID safety protocols would allow it. 

When Caroline Harada, M.D., and Stephanie Berger, M.D., took over as course directors for Patient, Doctor and Society three years ago, they not only brought their passions for community service and education on social determinants of health, they also incorporated an active learning format to engage students in small group discussions throughout the course.

Preliminary construction began last week on Volker Hall’s sixth floor, the first step in a renovation plan that includes collaborative and administrative space on the sixth floor and a new active learning space on the second floor, along with a modern new atrium that will bring the entrance to the building directly off University Boulevard.
An endowed position is among the highest honors an academic institution can bestow on a faculty member. Fourteen have recently been honored with an endowed chair or professorship at the UAB School of Medicine.
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