The School of Medicine welcomed its first-year medical students with an orientation July 23-27. During the weeklong orientation, the 2018 incoming class enjoyed academic sessions from faculty members and breakout sessions led by a group of second-year medical students who served as orientation leaders.

The UAB Comprehensive Cancer Center (CCC) is leading organizations across the state in the Alabama HPV Vaccination Coalition, with the goal to address barriers and improve human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccination rates in Alabama.

Five UAB School of Medicine students completing their clinical educations at the Tuscaloosa Regional Campus are among the recipients of the new Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama primary care scholarships. Blue Cross provided $3.6 million to the School of Medicine for the primary care scholarships to train a total of 60 primary care physicians over five years.

Smita Bhatia, M.D., MPH, director of the Institute for Cancer Outcomes and Survivorship, has been awarded a $600,000 grant by the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society to study anthracycline-related cardiotoxicity in childhood cancer survivors.
UAB Medicine has partnered with MedEd Solutions to offer the Well-Being Index—a brief online self-assessment which provides immediate, individualized feedback including tools and local and national resources to address personal well-being.
School of Medicine rising third-year student, Alana Nichols, was one of five medical students awarded the 2018 Links Scholars in Medicine scholarship from The Links Inc.
The UAB School of Medicine Huntsville Regional Medical Campus held its second annual simulation internship day for its internal medicine and family medicine interns this summer.

For UAB School of Medicine Montgomery Regional Medical Campus fourth-year student Michelle Wang, music was not only a way to relax after a long day at work but also a way to share a little bit of joy with patients who might be going through a tough time.

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