UAB Heersink School of Medicine News

UAB Heersink School of Medicine News

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Twelve School of Medicine faculty were recently honored as winners of the UAB Graduate Dean's Excellence in Mentorship Award.
Four students from the UAB School of Medicine were named in the 2017-2018 class of Alabama Schweitzer Fellows, a group of sixteen graduate students across the state who will spend the next year implementing service projects designed to address social factors that impact health.
Valerie Montgomery Rice, M.D., FACOG, president and dean of the Morehouse School of Medicine, will present the annual Women in Medicine and Science lecture on Wednesday, March 22 at noon in the Margaret Cameron Spain Auditorium.
Graduate and professional students from across the Southeast will gather at UAB April 7-9 for the 2017 Southeast Regional Conference of the National Association of Graduate-Professional Students.
The School of Medicine hosted two Junior Faculty Development Workshops earlier this year to give provide junior faculty an overview of the various career tracks in academic medicine and information about the promotion and tenure process.
The UAB-Genentech Research Scholars Fellowship is a summer research program that provides opportunities for eight talented UAB undergraduates to conduct research in the biomedical, engineering, or life sciences with a UAB faculty member.
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