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Help us learn more about treating Type 2 Diabetes during pregnancy by joining the MOMPOD Study

Medical Optimization & Management of Pregnancies with Overt Type 2 Diabetes

The Problem:

Type 2 Diabetes (T2DM) is a growing health problem in the US today and it affects up to 5% of pregnant women. T2DM increases risks for babies.  The best treatments to increase chances for healthy pregnancy are unknown.

Non-pregnant adults with T2DM are treated with medication to lower their glucose.  Usually metformin is the preferred treatment.  It is not clear whether or not pregnant women should be treated with metformin to treat T2DM in pregnancy.


The purpose of the MOMPOD study is to learn whether adding Metformin to insulin for treatment of T2DM in pregnancy improves the outcome for your baby.

We will enroll 1200 women from across the country in the MOMPOD Study.

What does the MOMPOD Study involve?

Participants will be randomized (like flipping a coin) to 1 of 2 groups:

  1. Addition of Metformin 1000mg orally twice a day to insulin therapy OR
  2. Addition of placebo (non-active medicine) orally twice a day to insulin therapy

What else?

  • Your study visits will coincide with your routine prenatal visits.
  • We will copy your glucose logs
  • We will collect a small sample of your blood at a mid-pregnancy prenatal visit.
  • Study medications will be provided to  you at no cost.  Your provider will manage your insulin dosage and all your other clinical care.
  • Your involvement in the study will continue through your delivery

Benefits/Possible Risks:

Metformin is preferred treatment of T2DM when non-pregnant.  It’s usefulness in pregnancy is unknown.

UAB follows the current recommended standard of care defined by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists  - which recommends that T2DM in pregnancy be treated with frequent monitoring of blood glucose combined with dietary management and insulin therapy to achieve normal sugars.

If you decide to participate in this research study, you and your baby may not directly benefit.  Your participation may help doctors determine if adding metformin to insulin benefits babies..

Are You:

  • Less than 21 weeks pregnant
  • Pregnant with one baby
  • 18-45 years old
  • Diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes prior to pregnancy
  • Newly diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes

If yes, you may qualify to join the MOMPOD Study as a research participant to figure out the best way to treat mothers and their infants with medicine to control mother’s sugars while pregnant.

We can combine your study visits with your regularly scheduled prenatal visits.

You will be compensated for your time at certain study visits.