Association of the cervicovaginal microbiome with cervical shortening in women with prior spontaneous preterm birth
Akila Subramaniam, MD, MPH, Boyi Guo, MS, Elena Lobashevsky, MD, PhD, William van der Pol, MS, Elliot Lefkowitz, PhD, Casey Morrow, PhD, Jeff M Szychowski, PhD, Nengjun Yi, PhD, John Owen, MD, MSPH.
- Preterm birth (PTB) is a leading cause of neonatal morbidity and mortality worldwide
- Midtrimester cervical length (CL) shortening is a powerful predictor of and precursor to spontaneous preterm birth (SPTB), especially in women with prior SPTB (high-risk).
- A prevailing hypothesis is that pathologic microbial stimuli from the lower genital tract lead to localized inflammation and subsequent SPTB.
- Culture-independent techniques using 16S rDNA gene sequencing can be utilized to more precisely describe the cervicovaginal microbiome and its relationship to CL shortening and SPTB.
- To compare the cervicovaginal (CV) microbiome in high-risk women with and without CL shortening.
Study Design:
- We performed a nested case-control study using stored CV biospecimens previously collected in a multicenter randomized trial of ultrasound-indicated cerclage in high-risk women undergoing serial CL screening at 160–226 weeks
- Women with CL <25mm were randomized to cerclage versus no cerclage.
- Enrolled women also had cervicovaginal fluid samples collected at the first CL measurement, and if not shortened on the initial exam, again at the time of diagnosed CL shortening.
- Samples from the primary trial were stored at -80C.
- For this study, we used CV specimens from the initial study visit in women who later had CL shortening versus those who did not.
- DNA was extracted with appropriate PCR primers and a V4 amplicon library prepared and then sequenced on the MiSeq platform.
- The QIIME package, using DADA2, generated Amplicon Sequence Variants with a high yield of species-level identifications.
- Differential tests were performed at both community level (alpha diversity and beta diversity) and taxa-level microbiome compositions using nonparametric and parametric tests respectively.
- Negative binomial models, adjusting for covariates (maternal age, race, and BMI), were used in taxa-specific analysis
- False discovery rate was used to adjust for inflated type I error.
- 391 samples met quality standards and included in analysis
- 121 with CL shortening
- 270 without CL shortening.
- A total of 230 distinct operational taxonomic units at the species level were identified.
- There was no significant difference between the two groups in terms of alpha diversity using three distinct analysis measures (Figure 1a)
- There was no statistically significant differences in beta diversity (PERMANOVA p = 0.07) between the two groups (Figure 1b, no significant clustering).
- While no community-level differences were observed, 29 taxa were significantly associated with CL shortening after covariate adjustment (Top 10 in Table).
- While multiple taxa-level differences were found in the CV microbiome of high-risk women who go on to have midtrimester CL shortening (versus not), community-level differences were not observed.
- Further studies should evaluate if CV microbial changes occur between initial CL evaluation and time of CL shortening and if the identified taxa are associated with a localized inflammatory response.
Figure 1. Comparison of alpha diversity (a. left panel) and beta diversity (b. right panel – Principal Coordinate Analysis) between women with a prior SPTB who go on to experience CL shortening versus those who do not
Table 1. Top 10 operational taxonomic units (of 29 statistically significant taxa, FDR p<0.05) with strongest association with CL shortening after covariate adjustment.
Most significant p-value at top
Family |
Genus |
Species |
Lachnospiraceae |
Blautia |
Un-named |
Ruminococcaceae |
Faecalibacterium |
prausnitzii |
Bacteroidaceae |
Bacteroides |
Un-named |
Lachnospiraceae |
Blautia |
obeum |
Lachnospiraceae |
Coprococcus |
Un-named |
Ruminococcaceae |
Faecalibacterium |
prausnitzii |
Bacteroidaceae |
Bacteroides |
NA |
Comamonadaceae |
NA |
NA |
Lachnospiraceae |
Roseburia |
NA |
Lachnospiraceae |
Blautia |
Un-named |