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News Archive

  • Curcio honored for contributions to vision research

    Curcioatmicro webChristine A. Curcio, Ph.D., professor of ophthalmology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, is the recipient of the 2014 Ludwig von Sallmann Prize, awarded to an individual for significant contributions to vision research and ophthalmology.


  • Leave fireworks to the pros, UAB eye doctors say

    fireworksFourth of July 2013: Family members were shooting fireworks in the backyard of Dianne Peterson’s home in Vincent, Alabama, as she walked out of the house.


  • Cable guys: Inside UAB's high-tech, custom-built approach to eye science

    downs the mixThe miracle of sight relies on a masterpiece of wiring. More than a million individual nerve cells scattered around the eye convert visual information into electricity. Then these individual cells are bundled together at the back of the eye into the optic nerve, which carries the signal to the brain.


  • UAB pilot program brings glaucoma screenings closer to home


    Glaucoma is a silent disease. It does not hurt, symptoms are slow to develop, and most people do not notice any loss of vision until it is too late. A project by ophthalmologists at the University of Alabama at Birmingham will examine whether a partnership with community-based optometrists will improve detection and treatment of glaucoma, especially for high-risk populations.


  • UAB Callahan Eye Hospital Clinic opens two satellite locations

    GeneralClinicThe University of Alabama at Birmingham Callahan Eye Hospital Clinic has opened two new satellite locations in the Greater Birmingham area, one at Medical West in Bessemer and the other on the Birmingham St. Vincent’s Hospital campus off the Red Mountain Expressway.


  • A ticket to ride: UAB program opens doors to drivers who are sight-impaired

    bioptic drivingTo Dustin Jones, the bioptic driving program at the University of Alabama at Birmingham provides one very important benefit: freedom. Jones, a 24-year-old recent UAB graduate who works in information technology, is a typical young professional.


  • UAB Callahan Eye Hospital celebrates 50 years

    AgamThe UAB Callahan Eye Hospital owes its beginning to a 5-year-old girl. The hospital, which celebrates its 50th anniversary in November, was the vision of ophthalmologist Alston Callahan, who established a clinical practice in Birmingham after World War II. In the early 1950s, Callahan treated young Barbara Ingalls’ crossed eyes with glasses and eye-strengthening exercises.


  • Cataract surgery comes of age

    Clinic PhotoCataract surgery has come a long way, according to Virginia Lolley, M.D., an ophthalmologist and cataract surgeon at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB).


  • Rhodes encourages young peers to be advocates

    007CEFH RPD2016 2Lindsay A. Rhodes, M.D., a glaucoma fellow in the Department of Ophthalmology at the UAB Heersink School of Medicine, recently presented to the Young Ophthalmologists at the American Academy of Ophthalmology annual meeting in Chicago.

  • How a plastic eye helps fight glaucoma, raises funds

    downs image glaucoma webCrawford Downs, Ph.D., has spent his entire career studying the optic nerve head, but he never really saw it until a few months ago. Using an ingenious system of his own design, Downs had created the first high-resolution computer model of the lamina cribrosa, a mesh-like structure at the back of the eye that allows the optic nerve axons to exit while preserving intraocular pressure.


  • Annual Reports

    2023 Annual Report
    Annual Report Cover 2023

     2022 Annual Report
    Annual Report COVER 2022

    2021 Annual Report
    Annual Report COVER 2022

    2020 Annual Report
    Cover Page Department of Ophthalmology Visual Sciences 2020 Annual Report

    2019 Annual Report
    2016 annual report

    2018 Annual Report
    2016 annual report

    2017 Annual Report
    2016 annual report

    2016 Annual Report
    2016 annual report

    2015 Annual Report
    2015 cover ar

    2014 Annual Report
    2015 annual report

    2013 Annual Report
    Perspective 2013