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David Alexander, M.D., is being honored for his outstanding patient care during his last year of residency with the UAB Department of Otolaryngology. Alexander colorDavid Alexander, M.D.

Last May, William Clough, Jr. was referred to the Birmingham VA Medical Center for a cancer screening. Dr. Alexander identified malignant tumors in Clough’s tonsil and lymph glands.

“It was already mid-afternoon, but Dr. Alexander explained the vital importance of our prompt response and he personally made sure that I had all of the necessary preparatory administrative actions completed and two CT scans done, before leaving the VA that afternoon,” said Clough. “I was amazed that he and the excellent staff could get five or six different stations and the CT scans completed with such efficiency. I realized I was in good hands because I have never before seen anything happen so effectively and efficiently at any medical facility,”

Dr. Alexander scheduled a biopsy the following week. The results came back as Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. He scheduled treatment in Huntsville with Dr. Marshall Schreeder at the Cancer Care Institute, which is closer to Clough’s home.

“Dr. Alexander again expressed the importance of prompt action. He assured me that he was in contact with Dr. Schreeder and that he would have my VA records, including the biopsy report.”

EMPiXHIUwAAuYJ5Birmingham VA Medical CenterAs of December, Clough has been deemed cancer-free after completing chemotherapy and 15 sessions of radiation.

Clough recently wrote a letter to Dr. Alexander and Stacy Vasquez, the executive director of Birmingham VA Medical Center, that read in part, “I just wanted to let you know and to say thank you for your kindness and your willingness to guide my wife and myself through this most difficult circumstance. I sincerely believe that your attention to detail and your efficiency and understanding of the need for prompt treatment had a profound impact on the outcome of my case. You are a very kind and caring doctor and you certainly have my eternal gratitude and appreciation. The veterans of Alabama are fortunate to have such a dedicated and compassionate profession serving our medical needs.”

Dr. Alexander has now completed his training at UAB, but Vasquez isn’t letting his care go unnoticed. She is honoring him with a Five Star Service Award.

"I am very excited to receive this award," said Dr. Alexander. "It was an honor to have the opportunity to give back to the veterans at the Birmingham VA. Helping take care of patients like Mr. Clough and having a positive impact on their lives is why I became a physician. I was touched by his letter and am happy he is doing well."