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A new online database has been launched to host research projects open to medical, graduate, and undergraduate students. This database increases the visibility of your lab/projects while minimizing the time and effort needed to advertise your research and find interested students. Features of the database include specification of the type of student worker desired, detailed project(s) description, space for uploaded documents and applications, and listing of a designated contact person.

This database is currently operational and has been recommended to students by the UASOM as a resource for finding mentors for summer research and scholarly activity rotations. Students applying to the Medical Student Summer Research Program (MSSRP), the Summer In Biomedical Sciences Program (SIBS), and the Preparation for Graduate and Medical Education (PARAdiGM) summer program have specifically have been instructed to select their mentors/projects from the listings in the database, so faculty interested in participating in any of these programs should upload their research projects ASAP.
To post a project(s) to the database visit: http://www.uab.edu/medicine/mstp/academics/mstp/uab-apsa-chapter and scroll to the bottom of the page.

UAB American Physician Scientist Association (APSA)
and Robin G. Lorenz, MD/PhD | Associate Dean for Physician Scientist Development
Physician Scientist Development Office
UAB | The University of Alabama at Birmingham
WP/P220E| 619 South 19th Street | Birmingham, AL 35233-7331
SHEL 612 | 1825 University Blvd. | Birmingham, AL 35294-2182
P: 205.934.0676 | F: 205.996.9113 | rlorenz@uab.edu