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Body Imaging Conference Schedule can now be found on the Radiology Schedule website –Be sure to type the words ‘Abd Conference’ in the Assignment Group search criteria.

For questions regarding the Body Imaging conference schedule, please email Carol Ray at mray@uabmc.edu.

All other conference schedules

Please reference the contacts listed below:

Breast Imaging – Nan Rust nrust@uabmc.edu

Cardiothoracic Imaging– Lynn Hogan lhogan@uabmc.edu

Interventional Radiology – Katlyn King katlynking@uabmc.edu or Kelli Edwards kellieedwards@uabmc.edu

MIT – Angela Grant  agrant@uabmc.edu

Musculoskeletal Imaging – Dianne Wideman dwideman@uabmc.edu

Neuroradiology – Francine Jones frjones@uabmc.edu or Denise Bristow dcbristow@uabmc.edu


Noon & Case Conference