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The Training Program in Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Diseases Research offers pre- and postdoctoral slots, focusing on arthritis, autoimmunity, inflammation, bone, and musculoskeletal diseases through cutting-edge basic, translational, clinical, and outcomes research.

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Our interdisciplinary faculty offers collaborative and synergistic scientific interests and projects, alongside systematically coordinated training opportunities. The Training Program in Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Diseases Research leverages trans-departmental initiatives in arthritis mechanisms, autoimmunity, inflammation, bone, and musculoskeletal diseases, including state-of-the-art basic, translational, clinical, and outcomes research.

We focus on training and career development for highly qualified pre-doctoral and postdoctoral trainees committed to careers in biomedical research, supporting the mission of the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases. Our program enhances collaborative science, spanning fundamental molecular discovery to applied clinical and translational research, supported by a diverse and well-funded faculty dedicated to training in rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases.


Join Our Training Program

  • Explore Your Potential Benefits

    Trainees receive:

    • NIH NRSA stipend

    • Support for tuition and travel

    • Individualized skills and knowledge development via didactic and hands-on trainings

    • Research apprenticeship with an experienced primary mentor who has an excellent training record and who commits to extended, close interaction with the scholar

    • Access to the large and diverse pool of experienced translational research experts

  • Check Your Eligibility

    Candidates must:

    • be U.S. citizens, non-citizen nationals, or have permanent residency status

    • Pre-docs must be enrolled in a full-time doctoral program at UAB and will have completed the first two years (and most of their coursework) by the time of appointment

    • Post-docs must have earned a clinical or research doctorate, including PhD, ScD, DrPH, MD, DO, DC, ND, DDS, DMD, DNS or equivalent doctoral degree and be able to be appointed as a post-doc at UAB

    • Research focused on inflammation or autoimmunity related to rheumatic disease

    • Identify an established faculty member to serve as your mentor

  • Begin the Application Process

    Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Applicants will submit:

    • Current CV (pre-docs will include GPA and relevant test scores)

    • Letter of recommendation from a potential mentor

    • One-page personal statement that addresses:

      • Research experience to date

      • Reason for interest in T32 research experience

      • Goals for research training and career development including degree attainment

      • Project plans for research years

      • How proposed project addresses one or more of the NIAMS priority areas. Guidance can be found on the application website listed below.

Apply Now



Participating Faculty Mentors

Our team at UAB is comprised of some of the nation's leading Rheumatology and Immunology investigators, dedicated to guiding pre- and postdoctoral fellows towards establishing independent careers in musculoskeletal research. View their biosketches below.



Research Opportunities

Our Division has one of the nation’s foremost research programs. Our faculty lead University-wide Interdisciplinary Research Centers, including the Comprehensive Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Bone and Autoimmunity Center. We also perform clinical trials of investigative new drugs to ensure that our patients have access to the latest and most promising new therapeutics. Visit our division's research section to find exciting research opportunities for pre- and postdoctoral fellows

Division Research Section



Core Facilities

We have dynamic core facilities, including a state-of-the-art flow cytometry and single-cell core, high-resolution imaging capabilities, as well as advanced genomics, metabolomics, and proteomics resources, all of which form the backbone of our cutting-edge Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Diseases research program. These facilities are integral in enabling our interdisciplinary faculty to conduct innovative and collaborative research in mechanisms of arthritis, autoimmunity, inflammation, bone, and musculoskeletal diseases.


Got more questions? Reach out and let's talk.

Jeanne Merchant, MPH, Program Manager III'd be delighted to talk with you about the many exciting possibilities that await you at UAB. Contact me for more details about the T32 program.

Jeanne Merchant, MPH, Program Manager II

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