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The University of Michigan Department of Surgery has invited our department to participate in a Junior Faculty Exchange program that was implemented last year. This program aims to encourage collaboration and exposure for junior faculty across major teaching institutions.

The program involves a reciprocal exchange of assistant professor-level faculty from the University of Michigan and participating institutions. Last year, nine faculty were exchanged from programs all over the country including Brigham, Dartmouth, Duke, Florida, MGH, Ohio State, Pitt, Stanford and Vanderbilt.

Some of these visits have already led to immediate collaborations with regard to grants/papers written. The typical visit is two or three days, and the visiting faculty typically give a lecture to students and residents, as well as a section/division-level lecture. Our department would host a junior faculty from the University of Michigan in return for a similar visit for our junior faculty.

If you would like to be considered for the program, please email your CV to Division of Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Therapy Director Adam Beck, M.D., at awbeck@uabmc.edu Sept.1. If this program is well received, the department will continue to do this annually in the future.