Explore UAB


  • Acuna Mancilla, Sergio, M.D., Ph.D.

    Dr. Sergio Acuna Mancilla

    Clinical Instructor

    Areas of Interest

  • Anderson, Douglas James, M.D., M.S.

    Dr. Douglas James Anderson

    Associate Professor
    Program Director, UAB Abdominal Transplant Fellowship

    Areas of Interest
    kidney transplantation, immunosuppression

  • Anderson, Scott A., M.D.

    Dr. Scott Anderson

    Associate Professor
    Director, ECMO Program at Children's of Alabama
    Program Director, UAB Pediatric Surgery Fellowship

    Areas of Interest
    congenital diaphragmatic hernia, ECMO, minimally invasive neonatal and pediatric surgery, surgical education


  • Arora, Tania K., M.D.

    Dr. Tania AroraProfessor
    Vice Chair, Access & Engagement

    Areas of Interest
    melanoma, sarcoma, cutaneous malignancies, and benign and malignant breast disease, inclusive organizational culture

  • Baker, Samantha, M.D., MSHPEd

    Dr. Samantha BakerAssistant Professor

    Areas of Interest 
    quality improvement, geriatric trauma, health literacy in trauma and acute care surgery patients

  • Bateni, Sarah B., M.D., MSW, MAS

    Dr. Sarah BateniAssistant Professor
    Committee Member, Surgical Grand Rounds

    Areas of Interest 
    skin and soft tissue malignancies including melanoma, nonmelanoma skin cancers, retroperitoneal and extremity sarcoma, and neuroendocrine tumors

  • Beck, Adam, M.D.

    Dr. Adam Beck

    Director, Division of Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Therapy
    Holt A. McDowell, Jr., M.D. Endowed Chair of Vascular Surgery
    Director of Quality and Associate Chief Medical Quality Officer, CVI

    Areas of Interest
    complex aortic disease, including aortic dissection, suprarenal and thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms, device development, outcomes research

  • Beierle, Elizabeth A., M.D.

    Dr. Elizabeth Beierle

    Vice Chair, Faculty Development
    Surgical Director, Hepatobiliary Clinic, Children's of Alabama
    Charles D. McCrary Endowed Chair in Pediatric Surgery

    Areas of Interest
    pediatric surgical oncology, pediatric solid tumors, neuroblastoma

  • Bellot, Chris S., M.D.

    Dr. Chris Bellot

    Assistant Professor

    Areas of Interest
    adult cardiac surgery, surgical critical care, ECMO

  • Black, Jonathan, M.D.

    Jonathan Black, MD

    Assistant Professor
    Associate Principal, Office of Clinical Practice Transformation

    Areas of Interest
    trauma systems, quality improvement, surgical critical care

  • Bland, Kirby I., M.D.

    Dr. Kirby Bland

    Professor Emeritus, Surgical Oncology
    Fay Fletcher Kerner Chair Emeritus, Department of Surgery
    Surgeon-in-Chief Emeritus, UAB Hospitals and Clinics
    Distinguished Faculty Scholar, UAB School of Medicine
    University of Alabama at Birmingham
    Senior Advisor to the Director
    O’Neal- UAB Comprehensive Cancer Center
    Editor-in-Chief, Emeritus, American Journal of Surgery

    Areas of Interest
    breast cancer, chemoprevention



  • Broman, Kristy K., M.D., M.P.H.


    Dr. Kristy Broman

    Assistant Professor
    Associate Director for Quality, O'Neal Cancer Service Line
    Member, Institute for Cancer Outcomes & Survivorship

    Areas of Interest
    surgical oncology, melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer, sarcoma, breast cancer, research on cancer care delivery

  • Cannon, Robert M., M.D.

    Dr. Robert Cannon

    Associate Professor
    Surgical Director, Liver Transplant Program

    Areas of Interest

    liver transplantation, minimally invasive hepatic surgery, surgical management of portal hypertension, surgical management of polycystic liver disease, comprehensive management of benign and malignant hepatobiliary tumors, including hepatocellular carcinoma and cholangiocarcinoma

  • Carroll, Shannon L., M.D.

    Dr. Shannon Carroll

    Associate Professor

    Areas of Interest
    trauma, surgical critical care, motor vehicle crash injury prevention

  • Carter, Angela, Ph.D.

    Dr. Angela Carter

    Assistant Professor

    Areas of Interest
    host microbe interactions, mechanisms of microbial regulation of substance use disorders, bioengineering microbial-based therapeutics, hormonal and metabolic syndromes and disease

  • Chaudry, Irshad, Ph.D.

    Dr. Irshad Chaudry

    Professor Emeritus

    Areas of Interest
    trauma, hemorrhage, sepsis, gender dimorphism, immune functions, cardiovascular functions

  • Chen, Herbert, M.D.

    Dr. Herbert Chen

    Chair, Department of Surgery
    Professor of Surgery
    Professor of Biomedical Engineering
    Professor of Pediatrics

    Fay Fletcher Kerner Endowed Chair
    Surgeon-in-Chief, UAB Hospital and Health System
    Senior Advisor, O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center at UAB
    Senior Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, Heersink School of Medicine

    Areas of Interest
    thyroid and parathyroid surgery, minimally invasive radioguided parathyroidectomy, adrenal surgery, endocrine surgery, neuroendocrine cancer biology

  • Chen, Mike K., M.D., MBA

    Dr. Mike Chen

    Director, Division of Pediatric Surgery

    Joseph M. Farley Endowed Chair in Pediatric Surgery
    Surgeon-in-Chief, Children’s of Alabama

    Areas of Interest
    anorectal malformation, Hirschsprung’s disease, bowel management, congenital anomalies, thoracic defects and minimally invasive surgery

  • Chu, Daniel I., M.D., MSPH, FASCRS

    Dr. Daniel Chu

    Division Director of GI Surgery

    Selwyn M. Vickers, M.D., F.A.C.S. Endowed Chair

    Areas of Interest
    colorectal cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, diverticular disease and anorectal pathology, health care disparities research, Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS), microbiome research

  • Collawn, Sherry, M.D., Ph.D.

    Dr. Sherry Collawn

    Associate Professor

    Areas of Interest
    laser procedures, skin tightening, resurfacing, fat grafting, transplantation, liposuction, reepithelialization, skin grafts, wound healing, minimally invasive surgery, laser surgery, fat transplantation

  • Cook, William H., M.D.

    Dr. William Cook

    Clinical Assistant Professor

    Areas of Interest
    adult heart and lung surgery (coronary bypass, heart valve, and aneurysm surgery), minimally invasive heart and lung surgery (TAVR procedure), lung cancer surgery, surgical diseases of the chest wall and lung

  • Corey, Britney, M.D., MACM

    Dr. Britney Corey

    Associate Professor
    Program Director, General Surgery Residency
    Marshall Urist, M.D., Endowed Professor

    Areas of Interest
    minimally invasive GI surgery, foregut and anti-reflux, abdominal wall hernias, surgical education

  • Cox, Daniel B., M.D.

    Dr. Daniel Cox

    Chief, Trauma Service

    Trauma Medical Director

    Areas of Interest
    trauma, surgical critical care, trauma systems, military medicine

  • Dabal, Robert, M.D.

    Dr. Robert Dabal

    Chief, Section of Pediatric Cardiac Surgery
    Director, Fourth Year Medical Student Clerkship
    A.D. Pacifico, M.D., Endowed Chair of Cardiovascular Surgery

    Areas of Interest
    pediatric cardiac surgery, quality improvement and outcomes research

  • Davies, James, M.D.

    Dr. James Davies

    Director, Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery
    John W. Kirklin Endowed Chair of Cardiovascular Surgery
    Surgical Director, Cardiovascular Operating Room
    Director, UAB Cardiovascular Institute

    Areas of Interest
    adult cardiac surgery, cardiac valvular disease, transcatheter aortic valve replacement, outcomes research

  • Day, Russell, M.D.

    Dr. Russell DayAssistant Professor

    Areas of Interest 
    combat casualty care, emergency response, shock, resuscitation, critical care, translational medicine, medical education, austere medical care, extracorporeal life support 

  • de la Torre, Jorge, M.D., MSHA

    Dr. Jorge de la Torre

    Director, Division of Plastic Surgery
    Bruce F. Connell M.D., Endowed Chair in Plastic Surgery

    Areas of Interest
    abdominoplasty, aesthetic surgery, body contouring, breast reduction and mastopexy procedures, complex wound healing problems including pressure sores, liposuction, trunk contouring after gastric bypass

  • Denney, Brad, M.D.

    Dr. Brad Denney

    Associate Clinical Professor

    Areas of Interest
    breast reconstruction, abdominal wall reconstruction, body contouring, aesthetic breast surgery, facial rejuvenation

  • Donahue, James M., M.D.

    Dr. James Donahue

    Associate Professor
    Section Chief, Thoracic Surgery
    James H. Estes Family Endowed Chair for Lung Cancer Research in the O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center at UAB

    Areas of Interest
    lung and esophageal cancer surgery, chest wall surgery, tracheal resection and reconstruction, mediastinal tumors, outcomes research, airway disorders, lung cancer, esophageal cancer, lung nodules, mediastinal tumors, chest wall tumors, malignant pleural effusions, pneumothorax, esophageal disease (benign)

  • Dudeja, Vikas, M.D.

    Dr. Vikas Dudeja

    James P. Hayes, Jr., Endowed Professor in Gastrointestinal Oncology

    Director, Division of Surgical Oncology

    Areas of Interest
    pancreatic cancer, hepatobiliary malignancies, immunology and stromal biology

  • Eudailey, Kyle W., M.D.

    Dr. Kyle Eudailey

    Assistant Professor
    Program Director, Advanced Aortic and Endovascular Surgery Fellowship
    Medical Director, Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery

    Areas of Interest
    aortic aneurysmal disease, aortic dissection, aortic valve repair and valve sparring aortic root replacement, aortic stent grafting and endovascular aneurysm repair (TEVAR), minimally invasive valve repair, transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR), transcatheter mitral valve replacement (TMVR)

  • Fernow, Amy, D.O.

    Dr. Amy Fernow

    Clinical Assistant Professor

    Areas of Interest
    Benign breast disease and surgical management, breast cancer prevention and treatment

  • Fix, R. Jobe, M.D.

    Dr. Jobe Fix


    Areas of Interest
    breast reconstruction and hand surgery

  • Fonseca, Annabelle L., M.D., MHS

    Dr. Annabelle Fonseca

    Associate Professor
    Co-Director, Pre-College Research Internship for Scholarship and Mentoring (PRISM)

    Areas of Interest
    pancreatic, liver, gallbladder and bile duct diseases and cancers, stomach cancer, small bowel tumors, health disparities research

  • Galli, Aurelio, Ph.D., D.Sc.

    Dr. Aurelio Galli

    Director for Gastrointestinal Biology Research
    Champ Lyons Endowed Chair in General Surgery
    Distinguished Professor in the Heersink School of Medicine

    Areas of Interest
    brain development and plasticity, neurotransmitters, substance abuse

  • Gelbard, Rondi B., M.D.

    Dr. Rondi Gelbard

    Associate Professor
    Medical Director for Surgery/ Surgical Critical Care

    Chief of Critical Care Service

    Areas of Interest
    trauma, critical care, emergency general surgery, surgery education research, biomarkers, wound healing

  • George, James, Ph.D.

    Dr. James George

    Vice Chair, Basic Research
    UAB Cardiovascular Surgical Research Endowed Chair

    Areas of Interest
    immune regulation of post-transplant vascular disease and allograft rejection, transplantation and heart failure outcomes research

  • Gibson, Quince, M.D., MBA

    Dr. Quince GibsonAssistant Professor

    Areas of Interest 
    global surgery, rural surgery, health informatics, genetic epidemiology

  • Gillis, Andrea, M.D., MSPH

    Dr. Andrea Gillis

    Assistant Professor
    Co-Director, Pre-College Research Internship for Scholarship and Mentoring (PRISM)
    Committee Member, Surgical Grand Rounds

    Areas of Interest
    breast and endocrine surgery, surgical oncology

  • Giri, Bhuwan, MBBS

    gray avatarrAssistant Professor

    Areas of Interest 
    progression from immune homeostasis that leads to permissive dysplasia in colitis-associated cancer and novel avenues for its prevention, diagnosis, and treatment

  • Goddard, Sabrina, M.D.

    Dr. Sabrina Goddard Assistant Professor

    Areas of Interest 
    trauma and acute care surgery

  • Grams, Jayleen M., M.D.

    Dr. Jayleen Grams

    Vice Chair, VA Affairs
    Associate Chief of Staff, VA Surgical Services
    Director, Minimally Invasive Surgery at Birmingham VA
    Assistant Program Director, Minimally Invasive Surgery Fellowship

    Areas of Interest
    foregut and bariatric surgery, achalasia, gastroesophageal reflux disease, hiatal or paraesophageal hernias, morbid obesity and metabolic syndrome, role of the microbiome in obesity, outcomes research

  • Gray, Hampton, M.D.

    Hampton Gray, M.D.

    Assistant Professor

    Areas of Interest
    congenital heart disease, neonatal cardiac surgery, single ventricle palliation, heart transplantation, adult congenital heart disease, quality improvement, clinical outcomes research.

  • Guenter, Rachael, Ph.D.

    Dr. Rachael Guenter

    Assistant Professor

    Areas of Interest
    neuroendocrine tumors, notch signaling pathway, theranostics, pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma

  • Gutnik, Lily A., M.D.

    Dr. Lily GutnikAssistant Professor
    Associate Vice Chair, Global Surgery Equity

    Assistant Program Director for Global Surgery, General Surgery Residency Program
    Associate Scientist, O'Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center at UAB
    Associate Scientist, Minority Health and Health Disparities Research Center (MHRC)

    Areas of Interest 
    global surgery, global oncology, disparities, health services research, financial toxicity, oncoplastics

  • Hanaway, Michael J., M.D.

    Dr. Michael Hanaway

    Surgical Director, Kidney Transplantation
    Martha Robinson Tankersley Endowed Professorship in Transplant Clinical Excellence

    Areas of Interest
    kidney transplantation, pancreas transplantation, induction therapy

  • Hanney, Richard, M.D.

    Dr. Richard Hanney


  • Hardiman, Karin M., M.D., Ph.D.

    Dr. Karin Hardiman

    Program Co-Director, Future Surgeons and Scientists Investigating Oncology (FUSSION)
    Associate Director, Physician Scientist Development Office (PSDO)
    Assistant Program Director for Resident Research, General Surgery Residency Program
    Strange Family Endowed Professorship in Surgical Sciences Research

    Areas of Interest
    colon and rectal surgery, intestinal surgery

  • Harris, Richard, DPM, FACFAS

    Richard Harris, DPM

    Clinical Assistant Professor
    VA Podiatrist

    Areas of Interest
    diabetic limb salvage, foot & ankle reconstruction, reducing postoperative complications, and improving clinical outcomes. 

  • Hashmi, Zain, M.D.

    Dr. Zain HashmiAssistant Professor

    Areas of Interest 
    trauma systems, trauma benchmarking, quality improvement, surgical critical care

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