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UAB Department of Surgery Chair Dr. Herbert Chen and nurse practitioner Kelly Lovell speak to a thyroid patient at The Kirklin Clinic. Chen and Lovell will soon both treat patients as part of the new UAB Multidisciplinary Endocrine Tumor Clinic.UAB Department of Surgery Chair Dr. Herbert Chen and nurse practitioner Kelly Lovell speak to a thyroid patient at The Kirklin Clinic. Chen and Lovell will soon both treat patients as part of the new UAB Multidisciplinary Endocrine Tumor Clinic.

Patients with thyroid, parathyroid, pancreas and adrenal tumors will soon have a one-stop shop for endocrine neoplasia treatment. UAB’s new Multidisciplinary Endocrine Tumor Clinic opens Oct. 1 on the third floor of The Kirklin Clinic of UAB Hospital in Birmingham, Alabama.

Dr. Brenessa LindemanDr. Brenessa Lindeman
Dr. Deepti BahlDr. Deepti Bahl
Dr. Ronadip BanerjeeDr. Ronadip Banerjee

The clinic is led by co-directors Deepti Bahl, M.D., Ronadip Banerjee, M.D., Ph.D., and Brenessa Lindeman, M.D., MEHP, and is additionally supported by UAB Department of Surgery Chair Herbert Chen, M.D. Endocrinologists Bahl and Banerjee serve as assistant professors in the Department of Medicine's Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, while endocrine surgeons Lindeman and Chen serve as assistant professor and professor, respectively, in the Division of Surgical Oncology.

Patients who visit the clinic will have the opportunity to see this team of specialists in a single, initial consultation in order to accommodate patients and expedite their treatment plans.

The Multidisciplinary Endocrine Tumor Clinic offers comprehensive, multidisciplinary and streamlined care for patients with benign or malignant tumors of the endocrine organs, such as neoplasms like thyroid cancer, hyperparathyroidism, Multiple Endocrine Neoplasias and functional adrenal tumors.

Referring physicians and other providers should call (205) 934-1211 and speak with Vernessa Williams or Kelly Lovell, CRNP, to begin the consultation process.