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Subscribe to Department of Surgery News

Virtual MeetingThis year, the annual Department of Surgery Resident Research Day will look a bit different, but the mission of supporting the research efforts of residents remains the same.

The event is taking place in a completely virtual setting– residents will present their research topics over the platform Zoom. The event’s scientific forum gives residents from across the department the opportunity to present their own research projects and discuss their topics with a virtual audience. This year, topics range from basic science to health services to education.

Typically, residents will present research to a crowded room with a large projector screen and anticipating faces of supporting faculty, staff and other residents. Thanks to the Zoom platform, residents will still be able to share their research, via screenshare, and present to supporters all across the department who will be joining throughout the day as their schedule’s allow.

2020 Resident Research Day will take place on Apr. 28 at 1 p.m. over Zoom. Invites have been sent out to all participants and mentors. The Zoom link was also included in the Apr. 24 department newsletter. 

Click here to view this year’s program.