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The late Dr. Mark DeierhoiLast week, the Department of Surgery family lost a giant in the field of surgery, transplantation and medicine: Dr. Mark Deierhoi.

Dr. Deierhoi joined UAB in 1986 and has been instrumental in the rich history of transplantation at UAB and the state of Alabama. Dr. Deierhoi primarily served in the kidney transplant program where he performed roughly 2,500 kidney transplants at UAB over the course of his 34-year career. He has left an indelible mark on practitioners, surgeons, transplanters, trainees and patients across the globe.

Dr. Deierhoi has been described as a wonderful educator, mentor and role model, and his residents admired his patient nature and commitment to Dr. Deierhoi and facultyteaching. Walking into a room, he brought with him a sense of calmness and strength that was felt by those around him. His superb technical skills in the operating room, compassion for patients and enthusiasm for resident training allowed him to touch the lives of many, reminding us that one person has the capability to positively impact countless individuals and communities.

Dr. Deierhoi with menteesIn honor of Dr. Mark Deierhoi and his dedication to education, the department has created the Mark Deierhoi Faculty Mentor Award. Voted on by the PGY3 & PGY4 classes, This annual award will recognize a surgical faculty member who exhibits the characteristics of mentorship, patience and dedication to surgical training that Dr. Mark Deirhoi provided during his 34 years of service to the UAB Department of Surgery. The established award comes with a cash stipend that the award winner can designate to the charity of their choice.

This year in lieu of the annual chief celebration, the 2020 General Surgery Chief Residents have donated to the newly-established award and ask that the department and community do the same.

If you would like to donate to the Mark Deierhoi Faculty Mentor Award, please visit this donation page.