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Dr. ChuAssociate Professor of Gastrointestinal Surgery and Associate Director of Health Services Research Daniel Chu, M.D., was featured in UAB News and CBS 42 as an expert voice on colon cancer, following the death of actor Chadwick Boseman.

In his UAB News interview, Chu stressed that colorectal cancer is preventable and can be successfully treated if found early. Although there are not many colorectal cancer screening options for younger populations, there are many screening options for adults over the age of 45. But, that should not stop anyone seeking symptoms to consult their primary care physician.

“If anyone has symptoms, particularly rectal bleeding or abdominal pain, or if there is any question mark in their health that is unusual, then that person should get evaluated,” said Chu.

Meanwhile, CBS 42 reported that the death of the “Black Panther” star, Chadwick Boseman, is increasing awareness about colon cancer. CBS 42 also called in Chu as an expert on screening options for colorectal cancer, which can include less-invasive measures than a colonoscopy.

“Colorectal cancer is preventable. That’s the whole thing about colorectal cancer,” he said. “And so, we can reduce deaths from colorectal cancer by improving our screening and educating everyone to get evaluated if you have symptoms. That really is the primary message: get screened and get evaluated – don’t ignore symptoms.”