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Drs. Ren and SpanglerWilliam D. Jordan, Jr. M.D., Endowed Professor in Vascular Sciences Bin Ren, M.D., Ph.D., FAHA and Assistant Professor Emily Spangler, M.D., M.S., FACS, have joined the editorial board of the Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine.

Within the Cardiovascular Therapeutics section, Ren will serve as an associate editor while Spangler will serve as a review editor.

Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine is a global, peer-reviewed Open Access medical journal providing access to publications on diagnostic and therapeutic advances in cardiology and cardiovascular disease. The journal has an impact factor of 6.05.

On the editorial board, Ren and Spangler will edit and review manuscripts, and have a hand in shaping the policies and direction of the Journal. They will also be encouraged and expected to contribute to the journal by writing editorials, research reports, comments, and reviews.

Professor and Holt A. McDowell, Jr., M.D., Endowed Chair in Vascular Surgery Adam Beck, M.D., is proud to congratulate Ren and Spangler on these distinguished new positions.

“Drs. Ren and Spangler’s commitment to academic medicine through their research and other endeavors such as their work with this journal showcases the culture of discovery in our vascular surgery division,” said Beck.

 “Both Dr. Ren and I are looking forward to supporting the future direction of the journal,” said Spangler. “We hope to discover innovative and effective approaches to improve the lives of our patients with a variety of cardiovascular diseases and blood vessel abnormalities through outstanding patient care, and impactful research.”

As the associate editor of the journal, Ren may invite an additional professor to join the reviewer board to showcase research strength of the department. If you are conducting basic or translational research in cardiovascular research and are interested, reach out to Dr. Bin Ren.