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Hendershot Kim highres whitecoat square edit for 150X200Kimberly Hendershot, M.D., recently earned the Certificate in Applied Surgical Education Leadership (CASEL) through the American College of Surgeons Division of Education.

Hendershot is an associate professor in the Division of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery and also serves as the Director of Education for the division and the Co-Director of the UAB Women in Surgery Program.

The year-long CASEL program is designed to promote the leadership of surgical educators, leading to a positive ripple effect on quality and patient safety and an improvement in surgical education at an institutional and departmental level. Participants discussed themes like education technology, leadership styles, negotiating for resources, and managing adversity.

Each participant is paired with a mentor to implement a surgical education leadership project at their home institutions.

For her project, Hendershot created a trauma simulation curriculum focusing on a chest tube education model. Second year surgical residents completed a pilot session. and there are sessions planned over the next few months for more surgery residents to participate.

Hendershot plans to expand the program to include other residents who may utilize the same skills involved. She worked with the UAB Office of Interprofessional Simulation for Innovative Clinical Practice and leadership with the general surgery residency to organize and implement this project.

“The biggest takeaway for me was the importance of forming and building relationships,” Hendershot said of the course. “Collaborating with others and finding common goals to help others and yourself accomplish your mission is critical.”