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DEI Journal ClubThe UAB Surgery DEI (Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion) Committee will host its first virtual Journal Club meeting on Dec. 16 at 6:30 p.m. via Zoom. Each DEI virtual Journal Cub meeting will introduce a new article and a new drink.

The committee invites all faculty and trainees to join for some remarkable discussions and amateur mixology.

Ingredients will be provided for faculty and trainees who RSVP through the email invite they received by Dec. 13. Virtual discussions will involve the article titled “The Hispanic Clinic for Pediatric surgery: A model to improve parent-provider communication for Hispanic Pediatric surgery patients.”

The new drink will include a traditional Puerto Rico holiday drink. This sweet and delicious coconut cocktail, or mocktail doubles as a dessert.

In this journal club, participants will discuss and investigate the impact of language disparities on pediatric surgery patients. Discussions will take place in a larger group setting and smaller breakout rooms.

The mission of the DEI Committee is “to understand, promote and respect diversity of background, culture, attitudes and experiences within our department to drive excellence in clinical care, research and surgical education.”