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Dr. Brenessa Lindeman (left) and Kaycee Hair (right)Department of Surgery Staff Wellness Champion Kaycee Hair (right) and Chief Wellness Officer Brenessa Lindeman, M.D., MEHP, FACS (left), have launched a wellness calendar for the month of February that features self-care challenges each day of the week.

Hair and Lindeman encourage all faculty, staff, and trainees to participate in the calendar, which starts Feb. 1. Many of the activities take less than 15 minutes each day and are designed to promote gratitude, mindfullness, and generally, dopamine.  

"We encourage folks across UAB to engage several of these small acts of self-love during the month of February," said Lindeman. "We've found that consistent self care is a great way to battle pandemic burnout and refresh your spirit during what can be a difficult season."

There are two easy steps to participate in the February self-care calendar:

  1. Download the calendar here or by clicking on the photo below.
  2. Log the days, via Google Form, that you complete of the calendar for a chance to win one of many prizes that will be distributed at the end of the month.

Wellness Calendar