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Dr. Lily GutnikDivision of Breast and Endocrine Surgery Assistant Professor Lily Gutnik, M.D., has been named a UAB Sparkman Center for Global Health Scholar.

The center notes that the purpose of the scholars program is to bring together faculty engaged in international research and practice, as well as global health and development-minded students, to share ideas and experience, build collaborations, and solicit feedback on current and future projects from one another. 

Gutnik joined UAB in November 2021 and supports the General Surgery Residency Program as assistant program director for global surgery. Additionally, Gutnik serves the O'Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center at UAB as an associate scientist in the Cancer Control and Population Science Program.

According to leadership, as a Sparkman Scholar, Gutnik will become part of a recognized network of UAB faculty working in the areas of global health and development, and will be included in a searchable database on the Sparkman Center website. The network is designed to facilitate developing new collaborations with colleagues across campus, as well as making linkages with students interested in global health and development.

“I look forward to supporting the Sparkman Center in their global health efforts,” said Gutnik. “My unique experience as a surgeon who has led global health initiatives has prepared me for this appointment, and I hope to share my research with the team while inspiring medical students interested in global health.”