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Dr. Emily SpanglerDivision of Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Therapy Assistant Professor Emily Spangler, M.D., M.S., FACS, was awarded an Association of Veterans Affairs Surgeons (AVAS) Visiting Professorship for 2022.

According to the AVAS, the aim of the AVAS DEI Visiting Professorship is to attract highly accomplished early career VA surgeons from underrepresented groups who are making significant contributions within their fields. Visiting Professors will contribute as ambassadors for AVAS to various VA Medical Centers and University affiliates through lectureship, education, and programming aligned with their academic missions.

Spangler, who also serves as a vascular surgeon at the Birmingham VA Medical Center, will use the award to travel in the coming year to the University of Pittsburgh and its affiliate Pittsburgh VA Medical Center and contribute as an ambassador of the AVAS and share her research on longitudinal imaging surveillance in Veteran populations.

Spangler’s research interests include outcomes and effectiveness evaluations of carotid and aortic disease treatments, imaging and medical device surveillance, as well as quality improvement through interventions on modifiable perioperative factors.

“I am delighted to represent UAB Surgery on this national platform,” said Spangler. “I believe strongly in serving those who have served our country, and look forward to building valuable relationships at the University of Pittsburgh through exchange of research and clinical experiences.”