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The inaugural Kirby I. Bland, M.D., Lectureship was held on Feb. 9th, 2016. That evening the department held a dinner in honor of Dr. Bland. 

More than 100 people attended to celebrate Dr. Bland's contribution to the UAB Department of Surgery, specifically highlighting his passion for education. The current chief residents expressed their heart-felt gratitude for Dr. Bland saying he has "had an incredible, invaluable, and meaningful impact on their lives as surgeons and as people." 

View and download all photos from the day's events here.

The lecture was given by Caprice C. Greenberg, M.D., M.P.H., professor of surgery, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health.

The Kirby I. Bland, M.D., Visiting Lectureship was established to honor the distinguished career of Dr. Bland, who served as chair of the UAB Department of Surgery for nearly 16 years. During his illustrious career, Dr. Bland was as a mentor to countless medical students and residents, set the bar for patient care, and pioneered surgical research. Dr. Bland is a clinician scientist, renowned for his research into novel therapies in breast, colon and rectal cancers. He currently holds the Fay Fletcher Kerner Professor of Surgery and continues to focus heavily on performing translational research.