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Providing faculty members from the Departments of Biomedical Engineering and Surgery the opportunity to meet and share research interests with the aim of finding collaborative opportunities. This event will include speed dating sessions where faculty members get a chance to briefly discuss their research interests with each other.

Friday, October 28, 2016 
2:30 pm - 6:30 pm
West Pavilion Conference Room E


2:30 pm –3:30 pm: Opening Presentations by Jianyi "Jay" Zhang, M.D., Ph.D., Chair, Department of Biomedical Engineering; Herbert Chen, M.D., Chair, Department of Surgery
3:30 pm – 3:45 pm: Break
3:45 pm – 4:30 pm: Speed dating session 1
4:30 pm – 4:45 pm: Break
4:45 pm – 5:30 pm: Speed dating session 2
5:30 pm – 6:30 pm: Networking Reception

Registration closed Oct. 19. For questions contact Megan Yeatts.