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Dr. Douglas AndersonDr. Douglas Anderson

The Division of Transplantation welcomes two new faculty members this summer.

The first, Douglas James Anderson, M.D., M.S., comes to UAB from Emory University, where he recently completed a fellowship in abdominal transplant surgery. While at Emory, he spent two years in the Emory Transplant Center laboratory researching co-stimulation blockade-based immunosuppression strategies in a pre-clinical model of kidney transplantation. Anderson will join the Division of Transplantation on Aug. 20.

Dr. Babak OrandiDr. Babak Orandi

The second faculty member to join the Division of Transplantation this summer is Babak John Orandi, M.D., Ph.D., M.Sc. Orandi comes to UAB from the University of California in San Fransisco, where he also recently completed an abdominal transplant fellowship. Orandi’s research has largely focused on incompatible kidney transplantation and antibody-mediated rejection. He will start at UAB on Sept. 4.