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Because Alabama remains one of the states with the highest motor vehicle death rates in the U.S., injury prevention remains a priority for UAB.

In addition to presenting CIREN-related research findings at scientific meetings, the UAB CIREN Team conducts community and professional outreach and education. The study coordinator and crash investigator schedule and prepare presentations for a variety of audiences related to motor vehicle safety. Standing quarterly presentations addressing motor vehicle safety are made in several area high school drivers' education classes, incorporating a driving simulator and specifically highlighting decisions made by occupants and potential resulting injuries. Presentations are given to other groups as requested.

To date, the UAB CIREN Center has presented to a wide range of audiences, including nurses and pre-hospital providers at the UAB Annual Trauma Symposium, the Emergency Nurses Association Leadership Conference, Alabama Transportation Conference, and local area high schools. Members of the UAB CIREN Center team routinely integrate CIREN-related material and research into their classes and research programs.