The Brain Trauma Foundation (BTF) is dedicated to improving the outcome of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) patients worldwide by developing best practices guidelines, conducting clinical research, and educating medical professionals and consumers. TBI encompasses concussion to coma, usually caused by car crashes, falls, sports and recently blast injury in the military.
Kessler Foundation strives to improve the lives of people with physical and cognitive disabilities caused by stroke, multiple sclerosis, brain and spinal cord injury, and other chronic neurologic and musculoskeletal conditions. Over the past decade, Kessler Foundation has invested almost $50 million in the work of its Research Center, where investigators develop ways to help people with disabilities overcome obstacles to leading full and productive lives in our communities.
AbleGamers Foundation is dedicated to bring greater accessibility in the digital entertainment space so that people with disabilities can gain a greater quality of life, and develop a rich social life that gaming can bring.