UAB’s Society of Women Engineers will host annual Kids in Engineering Day, Feb. 16, 23

Join UAB’s Society of Women Engineers to help ensure the future successes of Kids in Engineering Day.

KIEDjoomlaStudents in grades 4-6 are invited to participate in the University of Alabama at Birmingham’s chapter of the Society of Women Engineers’ annual Kids in Engineering event. Participants can choose to attend either the Saturday, Feb. 16 or 23 sessions. The events will be from 8 a.m.-3 p.m.

Participants will be able to take part in a variety of activities and competitions designed to provide insight into different types of science, technology, engineering and math concepts.

“We also invite parents and educators to come for a 90-minute workshop where we’ll discuss ways they can encourage their students’ excitement through other STEM opportunities,” said SWE president Zoë Penko.

“This workshop will include a panel of engineering students, engineers and educators in hopes this will further the impact of Kids in Engineering Day and allow parents and educators to leave with the ideas and tools they need to encourage STEM education throughout the year.”

A maximum of 60 students can be hosted per day.

For more information or to register, visit