Want to gain some insight into how your brain works? Join UAB neuroscience graduate students for educational activities during Brain Awareness Week, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. March 19-23, 2012, in the McWane Science Center, 209 19th St. North. The activities will demonstrate how the brain functions through dissections of animal brains and other activities that illustrate the ways the senses work. The activities are varied and suitable for children of all ages.
There also will be two presentations for adults and older children. David Geldmacher, M.D., professor of neurology, will talk about Alzheimer’s disease at noon March 20, and Farah Lubin, Ph.D., assistant professor of neurobiology, will discuss epilepsy at noon March 22.
Sponsors include the UAB Comprehensive Neuroscience Center, UAB Neuroscience Graduate Program, Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives, Birmingham Chapter of the Society for Neuroscience and the UAB Center for Community Outreach and Development.