Adam Pope

Adam Pope

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Public Relations Manager, Traditional University Campus • (205) 934-6986

Leads external communications for units within the traditional university campus. Pope and his team proactively reach out to the media to secure media hits telling the story of happenings on campus ranging from the arts to student stories, graduate and undergraduate research and beyond. The team works reactively to ensure appropriate experts are connected with media within their deadline.

Specific beats include: School of Health Professions; College of Arts and Sciences; Political Science; Criminal Justice; Anthropology; Bill L. Harbert Institute for Innovation and EntrepreneurshipCollat School of Business; School of Education; Administrative News; Office of the Provost for Student and Faculty Success; Enrollment, Admissions, Financial Aid; Human Resources; Issues Management; Student Affairs/Student Life;Minority Health and Health Equity Research Center

Pat Patrician and Ph.D. student Pauline Swiger receive TriService Nursing grants.

Complications of diabetes can lead to blindness, yet only 29.9 percent of diabetic patients studied adhered to recommendations to have an eye examination. 

Gakumo among scholars chosen for NIA Butler–Williams Scholars Program 

The UAB School of Nursing has received more than $5.15 million in external funding for the 2016-17 academic year to help support students in its nationally ranked graduate programs who are preparing for careers as advanced practice nurses, nurse educators and nurse researchers. 

J. Crawford Downs, Ph.D., will research a new wireless system to measure and control fluid pressure around the optic nerve. 

Exercise is a key to better health, and UAB is teaming up with local partners to encourage people to get outside and be active in their local parks. 

A new partnership between the UAB School of Health Professions and the Interaction Advisory Group provides curriculum and training for law enforcement, first responders and more to interact with people who have special needs. 

Adam Beck, M.D., has been named director of surgery in the Division of Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Therapy at UAB.

UAB is one of only two universities approved for 2016 by the National Science Foundation as an official Center for Health Organization Transformation site, and is one of only six CHOT University Sites in the United States.

UAB doctors say new research is showing that patients who suffer from isolated mitral valve regurgitation may need surgery before symptoms appear. 

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