Jeff Hansen

Jeff Hansen

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Research Editor • (205) 209-2355

Communicates UAB research discoveries and initiatives from across the university for a variety of audiences.

Specific beats include: biochemistry; cell, developmental and integrated biology; microbiology; molecular genetics; neurobiology; pathology; pharmacology and tocixology; Alabama Drug Discovery Alliance; Bill L. Harbert Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

An animal model for mild traumatic brain injury shows microscopic neuropathology, as well as neurophysiological and biochemical changes.
Findings show that mitochondrial DNA may strongly influence cellular metabolism and susceptibility to metabolic diseases like heart failure or obesity.
A study of how experimental inhibitors bind a key flu protein may guide novel antiviral compounds.
Yabing Chen, Ph.D., and Ganesh Halade, Ph.D., have won 2018 “best paper” awards.
Ashlyn Burch’s DOE award lets her study at Sandia National Laboratory, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Platelet blood cells can carry an enzyme needed to prevent clots, while hiding it from autoantibody neutralization.
Pretreatment with the NSAID carprofen before experimental heart attack in mice caused a diminished resolution of acute inflammation.
This knowledge can aid vaccine development, treatment of infections and moderation of autoimmune disease.
Examination of a larger group of patients extends the clinical manifestations first described 11 years ago.
This research suggests a therapeutic approach to treating human heart failure.
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