Jeff Hansen

Jeff Hansen

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Research Editor • (205) 209-2355

Communicates UAB research discoveries and initiatives from across the university for a variety of audiences.

Specific beats include: biochemistry; cell, developmental and integrated biology; microbiology; molecular genetics; neurobiology; pathology; pharmacology and tocixology; Alabama Drug Discovery Alliance; Bill L. Harbert Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

This novel mechanism links epigenetic changes to translational control.
Sensitive, specific assays are needed to ensure the safety of inter-species transplants for patients needing new organs like kidneys and hearts.
The goal is an early warning system to block incipient seizures for patients where medications have failed.
This remarkable ability has clinical implications for humans.
The symposium puts a spotlight on interdisciplinary research at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.
This discovery may lead to personalized care for congestive heart failure, also known as ischemic cardiomyopathy.
These newborn neurons in the dentate gyrus become less excitable after three weeks, a crucial step for mature functioning.
The drug targets enzymes that control the immune response and spleen macrophages.
Two new studies will have an intriguing mix of catalysts, “tunable” chemical bonds, supercomputers and ultrafast lasers.
A gene mutation causes wrinkled skin and hair loss; turning off that mutation restores the mouse to normal appearance.
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