Jim Bakken

Jim Bakken

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jimb@uab.edu • (205) 934-3887
Chief Communications Officer, Public Relations 

As chief communications officer for the University of Alabama at Birmingham and UAB Medicine, Bakken leads teams that set and execute internal and external communications strategy. Prior to joining UAB in 2012, Bakken spent a decade working with a diverse client base at two full-service communications firms. Bakken spent eight years in Nashville at McNeely Pigott and Fox – one of the largest PR firms in the Southeast – prior to launching Peritus Public Relations in Birmingham in 2010. Bakken has served on the board of the Plank Center for Leadership in Public Relations, is accredited by the Public Relations Society of America and has been a Birmingham Business Journal Top 40 Under 40 honoree.

Children and teens living in the Stroke Belt states are at about twice as much risk of stroke later on in life according to new findings from the REGARDS study.

Through his work at the 1917 Clinic, he has participated in several research projects that have been published in scientific journals.

The association’s mission is to assure the provision of quality health care to women of all ages by nurse practitioners.

The ADEA Leadership Institute will prepare Fellows for expanded roles in their institutions and the profession.

This award will provide support for Walker to serve as a visiting professor for up to six weeks at a foreign nursing school, twice, over the next five years.

The Green and Gold Fund is managed solely by UAB students.

M. Jacob Baggott will oversee new student health initiative to include primary care, counseling services and health promotion.

Al-Farhan, an international studies major with a double minor in Spanish and communications raises awareness about anti-migrant legislation.

The fifth annual multidisciplinary competition featured 24 teams of undergraduate, graduate and professional school students from multiple academic disciplines.

Half of Alabama’s 2013 Goldwater Scholars study at UAB – university total is now 17 with eight scholarship winners in the past four years.

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