Tyler Greer

Tyler Greer

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The school aims to continue offering students cutting-edge opportunities by expanding educational programming, enhancing diversity, growing research dollars and broadening its capacity to help Alabama’s underserved.
Heaton will help oversee the scientific peer-reviewed journal Workplace Health and Safety: Promoting Environments Conducive to Well-Being and Productivity.
Abou-Arraj’s fellowship will involve developing a novel technology of a targeted delivery of growth factors to dental implant and root surfaces.
The LIBERATE Study will further investigate the Eclipse System, the first vaginal insert designed to provide bowel control.
Deadlines for abstracts are set for early fall and are open to graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, clinical fellows and residents.
Join a UAB team or create a team for the annual walk, which helps raise funds for research efforts.
Cardiologist Kevin Sublett will oversee the nationally accredited UAB Heart and Vascular Clinic of Central Alabama.
Three-year grant establishes consortium to better organize and support collaborative research related to the loss of functional beta cell mass in type 1 diabetes.
The Leadership in Research Award, which recognizes outstanding leadership, is given at the discretion of the SNRS Board of Directors.

While not linked in this case, Streptococcus mutans serotype k, has been associated with bacteremia, infective endocarditis and hemorrhagic stroke.
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