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Displaying items by tag: experts

Gregory Pence, Ph.D.

Cloning and assisted reproduction • Emerging issues in bioethics • Medical ethics

Courtney Peterson, Ph.D.

Meal timing • Circadian rhythms • Nutrition • Body mass index • Obesity research

Jonathan Quade, M.D.

Orthopedic trauma • Pelvic and acetabular fractures • Upper extremity fractures • Lower extremity fractures • Foot and ankle trauma • Fracture nonunions and malunions • Outcomes research

Soroush Rais-Bahrami, M.D.

Urologic cancers including prostate, kidney, adrenal, testis, bladder, ureteral, penile • Robotic surgery • Advanced imaging for urologic cancers • Genomic testing for urologic cancers

Aadia Rana, M.D.

HIV/AIDS infection control • HIV/AIDS research • Health disparities • COVID-19

Samiksha Raut, Ph.D.

Undergraduate STEM education • Science literacy • Professional development for STEM professionals • Service-learning • Sustainability • International STEM outreach 

Caroline Reich, M.D. 

Breast cancer • Early detection of cancer • Mammography screening • Women's health • Radiology • Breast imaging 

Holly Richter, M.D., Ph.D.

Stress urinary incontinence • Urgency urinary incontinence • Mixed urinary incontinence (stress and urgency) • Vesicovaginal and rectovaginal fistulas • Pelvic organ prolapse • Fecal incontinence • Mesh complications • Vaginal estrogen use

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Joshua Robinson, Ph.D.

• Economics • Health Economics • Industrial Distribution 

Laura Rogers, MD

• internal medicine and obesity • exercise in cancer survivors • obesity medicine and weight management

Steve Rowe, M.D.

Cystic fibrosis • Effects of cigarettes and vaping • COPD

Stephen Russell, M.D.

Annual physicals • Primary physician care Primary care for adults and children • Vaccinations • Urgent care for flu, upper respiratory infections, etc. • Preventive care for adults

Kenneth Saag, M.D.

Treatment and research on rheumatic diseases • Osteoporosis diagnosis

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Isabel Scarinci, Ph.D.

HPV vaccines • Cancer prevention • Minority health • Health disparities

David Schwebel, Ph.D.

Pedestrian safety • Child injury prevention • Texting & walking • Child gun safety • Playground safety • Technology-based injury intervention & prevention

Anath Shalev, M.D.

Diabetes research, drug discovery, and novel treatment approaches • Beta cell and islet biology • Type 1 diabetes • Type 2 diabetes • microRNAs

Samantha J. Shebib, Ph.D.

Interpersonal communication •Family communication •Dark side of communication •Instructional communication •Health Communication •Advanced Statistics 
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Richard Shelton, M.D.

Depression • Suicide • Bipolar disorder • Mood disorders • Experimental therapeutics • Biomarker identification

Sandra Sims, Ph.D. 

Quality physical education programs • Integrated physical education and health education • Health & wellness 

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