Displaying items by tag: school of public health

When Ramon Jeter was in grade school, his mother would pack extra food in his lunchbox, “just in case there was a child who did not have anything to eat for lunch,” he recalled.
Seth Borgstede, a junior in public health, plans to combat a major cause of death in children in the southern African nation of Mozambique: dehydration.
Sean McMahon, a senior in public health, and Aarin Palomares, a senior in public health and a fifth-year Master of Public Health student, want to decrease infection rates associated with lack of sanitary feminine hygiene products and create economic opportunity for women living in a refugee camp in Turkey.
Remember the basics of water safety as you head to the pool, lake and beach.
Experts take an in-depth look into a favorite college pastime by understanding the dangers and risks of alcohol.
UAB health care policy expert Leonard Nelson provides insight into the 2016 presidential candidates ahead of Alabama’s March 1 primary.
Sara Rosenbaum, J.D., presents lecture on The Search for a National Child Health Policy: Progress, Opportunities and Challenges at UAB on March 3.
Light, abstract and figurative art on display at UAB’s The Edge of Chaos through Feb. 25.
Risk of long-term stroke equally and effectively lowered in stenting and invasive surgery procedures.
Aged drivers and women using prescription sleep medicines at higher risk for motor vehicle collisions.
A UAB-led study shows that, for older patients, carotid artery surgery is safer than stenting.
The Birmingham Business Journal’s award recognizes UAB’s next generation of leaders for their efforts in health care policy and strategic planning.
Articles in peer-reviewed research journals sometimes have mistakes, and a UAB study shows the process to correct such mistakes is flawed.
A UAB study found that minority Americans who encounter discriminatory sentiments and actions are more likely to experience panic attacks, and smoking or consuming excessive amounts of alcohol were also identified as factors.
Research shows blacks are nearly three times more likely to have a stroke at age 45 than whites.
A 500-watt space heater can cost an estimated $306.60 per year in power consumption, so UAB School of Public Health faculty and staff are giving theirs to a local organization, as well as taking other steps to save energy and money.
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