The alliance will utilize innovative strategies to address health disparities, mental and behavioral health, and diabetes, with an emphasis on expanded access for poor, vulnerable and rural populations.
The smoke-free Health District on Birmingham’s Southside created by a City Council ordinance in October has launched.

Climate change experts join forces to talk about sustainability in business and faith communities.

Presented by UAB’s Alys Stephens Performing Arts Center, the Aeolians of Oakwood University will perform in honor of Black History Month.
Three experts answer your questions on health, exercise and following through on your New Year’s goals.
Join Nelson and Maggie Reiya for a discussion of how a community-led conservancy can serve as a human rights incubator.

Join the UAB Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion for a community town hall on the history of societal control.

This microbiome signature suggests that bacteria, or bacterial products, colonize the lungs far before birth.
Despite an extensive footprint, UAB remains among the lowest in incidents of reported sex-related offenses, robbery and burglary in comparison to other urban and non-urban universities with more than 16,000 students.
The UAB MSHI program is designed specifically for working professionals to earn a degree without giving up their job.

Think green by helping to reduce the amount of waste produced by following these nine helpful tips.

How a battle with cervical cancer channeled one mother’s passion for advocacy.
Students will have the opportunity to learn about a variety of social justice issues and what they can do to get involved on their campuses.

Smithsonian research scientist will speak about ancient nutrition evolution at Darwin Day.

The Breast Cancer Research Foundation of Alabama has donated a total of $9.7 million to the O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center since 1996.    

Study points to a potential immediate treatment for this devastating disease.

Huntsville Hospital Health System and University of Alabama at Birmingham Health System have agreed to a partnership that seeks to expand health insurance options for seniors and others.

Schein, dubbed “one of the premier Chopin pianists of our time,” will perform an all-Chopin program for her UAB Piano Series performance.

Online programs in education, MBA and business make significant gains in “Best” Online Programs rankings.