Dedicating a specific day and time, cooking in batches for convenience, doing meal prep in advance and using smart cooking tools like slow cookers and sheet pans can help save time, money and maintain a healthy diet.
UAB Medicine has once again been named one of the “Most Wired” hospitals, affirming UAB’s serving on the forefront of using health care IT to improve the delivery of care.
Dairen, who shares the South’s true crime, urban legends and paranormal history with his more than 157,000 followers, will lead the webinar “Haunts and History: The Reality of Urban Legends” on Oct. 26.
UAB researchers say this study underscores the significance of addressing food insecurity among college students, not only for its direct impact on BMI but also for its indirect effects on diet habits and psychological well-being.
The O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center at UAB is recruiting Alabama women who have never had breast cancer for the study, to test a personalized approach to breast cancer screening.
The world’s first clinical trial of Resuscitative Endovascular Balloon Occlusion of the Aorta found that patients treated with REBOA were more likely to die than those who did not undergo REBOA.
Researchers found 19 Bacteroides vulgatus genes that were unique to three strains that show early engraftment in patients after a fecal transplant, as opposed to seven strains that did not show early engraftment. Most transplant failures occur in the first four weeks.
The 15th annual UAB scholarship fundraiser Uncork Education will feature live, silent and virtual auctions, wine, beer and whiskey tasting, specialty cocktails from Mersey Craft Spirits, food, entertainment, Blazer Plinko, and more.
UAB junior Zoe Champion balances being a full-time student and caregiver to her parents.
A materials engineering Ph.D. student was awarded a scholarship from the Society of Plastic Engineers to help fund research to better the environment.
Michelle Wooten, Ph.D., assistant professor of astronomy in the Department of Physics, and eye specialists from the University of Alabama at Birmingham share some useful facts and tips to enjoy the upcoming eclipses.
Before a woman reaches the age of 40, a breast self-exam can help her stay mindful of her breast health and could potentially save her life if a cancerous lump is found early.
First-time freshman, transfer and online students who apply to UAB during Oct. 16-20 will have their application fee waived. No code or additional step is necessary.
UAB researchers conducted a landmark study that established the reference intervals for natriuretic peptides — hormones that regulate a range of beneficial bodily functions — and revealed that natriuretic peptide deficiency increases the risk of cardiometabolic diseases.
The Bridge to Business Program stands as a testament to UAB’s commitment to fostering educational success and ensuring a seamless academic transition for aspiring business professionals.
Cong’s research indicates the increased vulnerability of older adults to climate change impacts while also highlighting their resilience capacity in the face of disasters, offering valuable insights for policy development and disaster preparedness.
The Magic City Data Collective has been awarded a Governor’s Work-Based Learning Best Practices award under Alabama Works.
The program is extremely competitive and has produced hundreds of investigators who have become leaders in optometric education and contributed greatly to the body of research in vision science and optometry.
Launched during the Delta surge, the UAB-led program aimed to keep Alabama’s school open for in-person instruction through free and voluntary services such as asymptomatic testing and HEPA filters.
The cheers and claps of the Blazers roared as Lexie rang the bell to mark the completion of her last breast cancer radiation treatment.