1.25 million grant will be used to improve services and results for young children with disabilities and their families.
Narrowing of aortic arch, infant’s otherwise good health prompt physicians to move Baby JJ’s Glenn procedure up one month.

About half of American hospitals have some form of arts programming, usually art or music therapy. Now a growing number of medical centers — UAB Hospital is the first in Alabama — are implementing the more comprehensive AIM model.

A product designed by UAB engineers to help save lives during natural disasters is approved for use.

UAB alumnus Jason Aaron has plotted a heroic path as a writer for Marvel comics, where his Star Wars and Thor storylines have surprised fans and generated critical buzz. Aaron discusses his storytelling powers, the challenge of reinventing iconic characters and the role played by UAB creative writing courses in his supersized success in UAB Magazine.

Two-time Grammy winner Jones and her band will perform her classic hits like “Chuck E.’s in Love” as well as cuts from her new album, “The Other Side of Desire,” written and rooted in New Orleans.

UAB is set to open a mental health clinic July 20 that will improve access to care for those who identify as LGBTQ.

Monika M. Safford, M.D., helped shape the new Web tool for the National Diabetes Education Program, “Promoting Medication Adherence in Diabetes.”

UAB’s ongoing research for countermeasures to bromine or chlorine exposure — from either industrial spills or chemical attack — gets a boost with a new NIH grant.

UAB’s Candace Floyd is set to take a top leadership post with the National Neurotrauma Society.

Epidemiologist Olivia Affuso studies new ways to prevent obesity and chronic disease through physical activity. She also volunteers with two groups that use running to help women and girls achieve fitness and personal goals.
Haydeh Payami, Ph.D., a leading geneticist recruited to the UAB-Hudson Alpha Center for Genomic Medicine and UAB Personalized Medicine Institute, is exploring the protective power of coffee and nicotine — and the mysteries of the microbiome — in Parkinson’s disease.
Gene mastermind Shawn Levy, Ph.D., and his team at the HudsonAlpha Genomic Services Laboratory are helping UAB investigators — and researchers from around the world — crack the mysteries of life.
Rates of vision impairment are high among seniors living in subsidized housing, suggesting an increased need for widespread vision screening.
Pedal steel guitarist Randolph’s prowess on guitar earned him a spot on Rolling Stone magazine’s “100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time” list.
The mimicry of bone cells by multiple myeloma is driven by overexpression of Runx2, the master regulator of bone formation.
UAB Hospital is the only Disease-Specific Certified program in Alabama and has had no observations or findings by The Joint Commission since joining the certification process.
While it is well-known that nonsmokers can get cancer from inhaling smoke, the amount of risk associated with secondhand smoke and stroke has remained unclear until now.
The American College of Surgeons has again verified UAB as a Level I Trauma Center, a designation held by UAB since 1999.