Epidemiologist Olivia Affuso studies new ways to prevent obesity and chronic disease through physical activity. She also volunteers with two groups that use running to help women and girls achieve fitness and personal goals.
Haydeh Payami, Ph.D., a leading geneticist recruited to the UAB-Hudson Alpha Center for Genomic Medicine and UAB Personalized Medicine Institute, is exploring the protective power of coffee and nicotine — and the mysteries of the microbiome — in Parkinson’s disease.
Gene mastermind Shawn Levy, Ph.D., and his team at the HudsonAlpha Genomic Services Laboratory are helping UAB investigators — and researchers from around the world — crack the mysteries of life.
Rates of vision impairment are high among seniors living in subsidized housing, suggesting an increased need for widespread vision screening.
Pedal steel guitarist Randolph’s prowess on guitar earned him a spot on Rolling Stone magazine’s “100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time” list.
The mimicry of bone cells by multiple myeloma is driven by overexpression of Runx2, the master regulator of bone formation.
UAB Hospital is the only Disease-Specific Certified program in Alabama and has had no observations or findings by The Joint Commission since joining the certification process.
While it is well-known that nonsmokers can get cancer from inhaling smoke, the amount of risk associated with secondhand smoke and stroke has remained unclear until now.
The American College of Surgeons has again verified UAB as a Level I Trauma Center, a designation held by UAB since 1999.
Virginia Wadley, Ph.D., says until this new JAMA study, whether or not stroke survivors are at-risk over the long term was an unknown.
UAB named to 2014 President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll for general service, economic opportunity and education.
The University of Alabama at Birmingham’s School of Dentistry Alumni Association has named J. Calvin McCulloh, DMD, the recipient of the 2015 H. Moren Fuller Award.
UAB’s Karan Singh has been selected as an American Statistical Association Fellow and recognized as a foremost member in the field of statistical science.
B.o.B is Bobby Ray Simmons, originally from Decatur, Georgia. The fall concert is set for 7 p.m. on the Campus Green and is free to everyone.
Studies show kids lose as much as two to three months of math and reading skills during the summer. That loss is even greater for children of low socioeconomic status.
The new Alabama Network for Women Leaders in Higher Education is part of the American Council on Education’s Women’s Network, a national system of state networks focused on advancing and supporting women in higher education.
Top physician-scientist tapped to succeed Kirby Bland as chair of the UAB Department of Surgery.
Show your independence and become a blood donor at the UAB/Red Cross blood drive.

After restoration, Yaacov Agam’s “Complex Vision” once again adorns the Callahan Eye Hospital.
Foods high in fats have long been put into the “unhealthy” category by nutrition experts, but UAB researchers believe this may have been all wrong, all along.