New understanding of roundworm reproduction could have impact on human and animal infertility issues, say UAB scientists.
Contest at UAB will test prowess of Alabama’s top high school computer programmers. 
As part of its ongoing Science, Communication and Innovation talks, Lucas Pozzo-Miller will speak about Rett syndrome.
A college baseball player nearly blinded by a batted ball and a UAB ophthalmologist urge athletes to wear eye protection at all times.
Many people acquire this fungal infection during childhood — but Cryptococcus generally stays dormant in healthy people. It also can re-activate later in life, and one infectious disease expert wants to find out why.
School of Optometry graduates will be honored at the Doctoral Convocation and Hooding Ceremony on May 16.
A year into the UAB strategic planning process, UAB President Ray L. Watts reflects on the institution’s influence and the importance and initial success of the vital campuswide effort.
Applications for the NIGMS Short Course on Statistical Genetics & Genomics will be accepted until May 23. The course will be held July 7-11.
UAB Nathan E. Miles Chair of Ophthalmology has been named chair-elect of the Ethics and Regulations in Human Research Committee of the Association for Research in Vision Science and Ophthalmology.
Renowned scientist Cynthia Brown, M.D., will lead UAB efforts to care for aging patients and patients with advanced or life-threatening illness.
Learn more about causes, therapies and training during UAB Comprehensive Diabetes Center’s annual research day.
The challenge is to address academic, regulatory and financial issues affecting the education of vascular surgeons.
Study presents a fresh perspective on existing research and conflicting evidence in supply-chain and strategic management
Improper storage and care of your toothbrush could make it a harbor for germs, including staph, intestinal bacteria and more.
A new NIH grant could allow researchers to better predict risk factors for patients using blood-thinners by examining the influence of genes, lifestyle, clinical factors and environment.
Need help putting the pack down? The UAB Lung Health Center is here for you.
Artist Amanda Browder will Skype in from New York for community sewing days May 9 and June 30 as the huge fabric installation is created.
Follow some simple tips to stop bug bites or stings from ending your summer fun.

Hear burgeoning musicians, catch the spirit, say goodbye and good luck and celebrate July 4, all with the UAB Department of Music this summer.

With pilot finds from young professionals, Division of Preventive Medicine Assistant Professor Tiffany Carson, Ph.D., will build the foundation of her research program studying factors that influence cancer disparities of black and white women in the South.