Since December, 21 living donor kidney transplants that have taken place at UAB are connected as donors “pay it forward” for a recipient to keep the chain going, and more transplants are scheduled for July.
Nepal has high rates of HPV infection, which nearly always causes cervical cancer. UAB research looks at the prevalence and a potential screening method.
Isabel Scarinci, Ph.D., M.P.H., professor in UAB Division of Preventive Medicine, has been appointed to the newly created position of associate director of globalization and cancer in the UAB Comprehensive Cancer Center.
Lawrence Sincich, Ph.D., has been awarded $1.1 million to advance the technology for improved optical access and visual testing of the retina.
The Patient and Family Resource Center at UAB’s Comprehensive Cancer Center provides a comfortable place to find support.
The American Society of Nutrition is dedicated to bringing together the world’s top researchers, clinical nutritionists and industry to advance knowledge and application of nutrition for the sake of humans and animals.
The pair, at the ASC on July 17, will present one elegant show with a seamless blending of classic duets, fan favorites and selections from each artist’s catalog.
A UAB assistant professor will examine workplace health and safety issues related to worker impairment from marijuana use on a collaborative task force.
The nearly 60-strong UAB Concert Choir will represent the USA in the “Olympics of choirs,” the World Choir Games in Latvia.
UAB’s online bachelor’s marketing and management programs have been recognized by as two of the best nationally.
People trying to lose weight are often told to eat more fruits and vegetables, but new UAB research shows this bit of advice may not be true.
After starting out as a musical tribute to the game in 2007, The Baseball Project blossomed into a full-fledged band, now with its third album all about baseball.
Professor David Schwebel, Ph.D., developed a new virtual-reality system to help reduce pedestrian injuries and deaths among children.
Lindsay A. Rhodes, M.D., was named to the American Academy of Ophthalmology’s Leadership Development Program Class of 2015. This program represents a commitment by the AAO to develop future leaders.
Amblyopia, commonly referred to as “lazy eye,” is the major cause of monocular blindness in America, affecting up to 3 percent of young children.
UAB researchers lay out the facts on commonly held but often erroneous obesity myths. Their conclusion? It’s time to move on.
A robotics and cardiac cath procedure was carried out over three days and meant patient did not have to undergo more rigorous bypass surgery.
Teachers and industry experts from across the country aim to advance STEM initiatives in schools at this 38th annual event.
The Alabama Project, a photo exhibit illustrating cancer survivorship and cancer health disparities, is on display at the UAB Comprehensive Cancer Center.
UAB is the first medical center in the Southeast to implant a new type of electrical stimulator to control seizures in patients with epilepsy.