Price’s work “Triptych: Three Studies in Gesture and Noise” will be presented at the Atlanta conference Nov. 13-14. A new electroacoustic composition by University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Professor of Music William Price, DMA, will be presented as part of the National Association of Composers USA conference in Atlanta. Hosted by the Georgia State University School of Music, the conference will feature works by composers from around the country. Price’s work “Triptych: Three Studies in Gesture and Noise” will be presented at the conference Nov. 13-14. “‘Triptych’ explores and develops artifacts found in the spaces between recorded sounds,” Price said of the work. “It is a three-part assemblage based primarily on noise, musical remnants and studio debris.” Founded by Henry Hadley in 1933, NACUSA is one of the oldest organizations devoted to the promotion and performance of American concert hall music.