Displaying items by tag: department of biomedical engineering

Injecting infarcted pig hearts with specially bioengineered cells significantly decreased the infarct area and improved heart function, showing possible clinical relevance.
Heart failure is responsible for 13 percent of deaths worldwide, and half of patients die within 5 years. New therapies are needed.
Chloe Naquin spent nine weeks in Puerto Rico studying the Cuban tree frog as part of the NSF’s Research Experience for Undergraduates program.
These research areas — part of the Convergence Revolution — have the greatest potential of achieving tremendous impact on the field of medicine in the coming decades or century.
The modified mRNA — delivered after experimental heart attacks — transiently allows heart muscle cells to proliferate, leading to reduced infarct size and improved heart performance compared to untreated animals.
Bracamonte, Sun and Wang received two-year fellowships from the American Heart Association for their research within the department of biomedical engineering.
Neuroengineering blends engineering principles with neuroscience to find better ways to treat neurological conditions and to build on understanding how the brain and nervous system function.
The study’s goal is to limit the toxic side effects common to many cancer therapies while not affecting their therapeutic benefits.
Insights gained from this project can lead to a new understanding of the mechanisms by which human deep-brain activity gives rise to cognitive-emotional behaviors, such as social thought processes, impulsivity and affect.
Direct reprogramming is a potential therapy for heart attack patients. In vitro, TBX20 improved contractility and mitochondrial function of reprogrammed heart muscle cells.
Zhang wins $11.2 million NIH PPG grant to improve heart attack recovery through growth of new heart muscle cells.
The Council on Basic Cardiovascular Sciences, known as the BCVS, is one of the largest councils at the American Heart Association, and it is one of the largest organizations in cardiovascular sciences globally, with more than 4,700 members.
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