Research - News
A study led by a UAB oncologist finds that adolescents and young adults with a form of leukemia are disposed to higher relapse rates.
The socioeconomic resources of parents and adult children are related to women’s mortality risk in old age.
A new study is recruiting individuals with obesity to look at the effect of beetroot juice on cardiometabolic health and exercise stamina.
UAB investigators are looking at the intriguing possibility of a connection between the gut microbiome and Parkinson’s disease.
Eating a southern-style diet, which is high in fried and processed foods, is the leading factor to explain why African-Americans have a higher risk of hypertension than whites.
Proper diet — including caffeine consumption — can be used as a pain intervention.
End-of-life care can be difficult to navigate, but understanding how to treat a patient based on their goals is key, says one UAB researcher.
A new type of “guardian angel” technology is being developed to warn distracted pedestrians as they cross the street.
Researchers at UAB will begin research to analyze the brain’s response to growth hormones in relation to Alzheimer’s disease.
UAB aging researchers believe it is time to start human trials of drugs known to dramatically extend healthy life in mice.
Platelet blood cells can carry an enzyme needed to prevent clots, while hiding it from autoantibody neutralization.
Pretreatment with the NSAID carprofen before experimental heart attack in mice caused a diminished resolution of acute inflammation.
Researchers will delve into the role of inflammation and the immune system in the worsening of Parkinson’s disease as UAB is named a Udall Center of Excellence.
A number of school-based interventions have been developed to improve students’ emotional and behavioral functioning, but schools need to adjust their culture to ensure more lasting effects.
The study’s findings show the benefits of the ketogenic diet in cancer patients, and the authors hope to expand their research to see if it will also impact cancer treatment.
Understanding the physics of superconductors starts with understanding and manipulating their physical makeup to more efficiently conduct energy.
UAB researchers will implement a new home-intervention model to teach mothers and children to form healthy habits right in the comfort of their homes.
Sarah Parcak co-led expedition that discovers more than 800 ancient burial tombs in one field season.
This knowledge can aid vaccine development, treatment of infections and moderation of autoimmune disease.
Sarah Parcak, Ph.D., discusses the need to better protect artifacts at museums.
James McClintock, Ph.D., provides insight into the impact of greenhouse gases on the planet and its oceans.
Examination of a larger group of patients extends the clinical manifestations first described 11 years ago.
This research suggests a therapeutic approach to treating human heart failure.
This novel mechanism links epigenetic changes to translational control.
UAB was part of a national, multisite study that showed a drug for multiple sclerosis was effective in slowing down brain atrophy, or shrinkage.
Sensitive, specific assays are needed to ensure the safety of inter-species transplants for patients needing new organs like kidneys and hearts.
UAB-led study determines the best breathing tube for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.
UAB will fill a gap in the stroke belt as it joins StrokeNet, a national research consortium.
“Listening-Watch” a program utilizing wearable devices and speech for two-factor authentication, thwarts potential mobile device attacks while requiring minimal effort from the user.
The grant, received from the NIH, aims to provide a better option for patients than what is already available.
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