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One Stop Student Services Office of the Provost

One Stop Student Services

What is a Notary Public?

A notary public is a public officer of the state authorized by law to certify documents, take acknowledgements, and administer oaths; in this capacity, a notary public acts as an impartial third-party witness to the signing of a document. As such, the primary responsibility of a notary public is to verify the identity of the signer, confirm that the signer is signing the document of their own free will, and then witness the signing of the document.

Our Notary Services

The One Stop office offers notary services free-of-charge to UAB students, faculty, and staff. To meet with one of our notaries, you may make an appointment or simply visit our office during business hours; we happily accept walk-ins.

We encourage you to call the One Stop office at (205) 934-4300 or email onestop@uab.edu to ensure that a notary is in the office at the time you plan to visit. Please bring a valid government-issued photo ID such as a driver license or passport, and ensure that you have not signed any documents that need to be notarized prior to seeing the notary on staff. If you need copies of documents notarized, please ensure that you bring both the original and the copy with you.

Feedback/Need Help?

Can’t find what you’re looking for or need assistance from One Stop Student Services? Contact us at onestop@uab.edu or (205) 934-4300.