Explore UAB

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Not sure where to get started? Our experienced staff can help you:

  • with what kind of paper to use and how much to order
  • turn a design into reality
  • develop a timeline        
  • minimize your mailing cost    
  • work within your budget

UAB Printing - 1720 2nd Ave. South, B’ham, AL 35294 
Phone: 205-934-3790 / Fax: 205-934-3798 / Email: printingservices@uab.edu

UAB Bulk Mail/Post Office - 1720 2nd Ave. South, B’ham, AL 35294 
Phone: 205-934-4595 / Fax: 205-934-3798 / Email:  bulkmail@uab.edu or postoffice@uab.edu